
The MOWIP Methodology 

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Domestic Violence, SEA and the COVID-19 

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Women, Peace and Security Agenda

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Women, Peace and Security Agenda

Based on the premise that gender is a foundational pillar on which security can be built, RESDAL acts as a bridge to link regions from across the world in the pursuit of furthering this goal.

And, it is through sharing knowledge and experiences that new ideas arise, a fundamental pillar in contributing to a real improvement in the lives of women, girls, men and boys.  

Women in the Armed and Police Forces
Engendering Peacekeeping. The cases of Haiti and Democratic Republic of Congo 
The Women, Peace and Security Agenda in the Year of its Review
The General Recommendation No. 30 on Women in conflict prevention, conflict and post-conflict situations
The Policy Paper on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Crimes – International Criminal Court