
As a first step, RESDAL studied the following national cases: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua. 

Most of the research teams in each country were formed by an expert and a young local researcher, responsible for collecting and analysing the data, with special emphasis placed on primary sources of information. To this end, they were armed with guidelines to consider when carrying out the research.

As a result of the research and analysis, the publication: “Formación y educación militar: los fututos oficiales y la democracia” (Military Training and education: future officers and democracy), was compiled under the direction of Hal Klepak, collecting together the articles and analysis of the experts and researchers in each case. The program carried on considering the military mentality and topic of democracy through the analysis of three particular issues: human rights, gender and public security. The second edition of this publication takes into account experts’ analyses of such critical topics.
